Friday, December 27, 2019

Active Listening

Listening has been shown to be essential to communicating respect for another person. To test this claim, reflect on your own feelings. Consider a time when you may have been talking with someone who interrupted you or continually focused on what they wanted to express in the conversation. Maybe it was clear that their mind was elsewhere and they weren’t at all “fully present” with you. When we want to build a strong relationship with another person, our ability and commitment to listening attentively and emphatically is essential. 


  1. Billion likes for the phrase "fully present"!!! we cannot only listen- hear the person who's talking. Our actions, posture, focus, and gestures should be congruent. Many people don't like to talk, but when they feel that someone really wants to listen "actively" to them, they will feel important to that person. In this way, strong relationships are built.

  2. very big like to this topic .. to build a strong relationship with others we should first listen and understand what they are saying and what are their point of view and opinion ..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Personally I feel respected and valued by people who actively listen to me. It is a way of showing respect to people. As they took their time to talk to us, we can give our time by listening to them.

  5. many people dont like to talk what they feel or what they need but when they see that someone who value respect them qnd ready to listen actively to them which means hear, feel and understand them they feel confortable to talk.

  6. Sure... In most of the times we tend to listen to reply, which is wrong. We on the contrary, we should listen and think how to reply effectively that will result in showing our positive side.

  7. Listening is an important skill, that it's the cause of the speaking skill. Great job!



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