Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mutual Respect Between Students and Teachers

The relationship between students and teachers should be one of mutual respect. Students should listen to the teacher and try their best in the class. Teachers, on the other hand need to do their best to give their students a quality education and respect them as individuals. There should be a set curriculum, but teachers need to be creative in how they teach what is required. Students need to have more respect for their teachers and take more responsibility for their education.

Positive teacher-student relationships promote a sense of school belonging and encourage students to participate cooperatively. Students develop confidence to experiment and succeed in an environment where they are not restricted by the fear of failure. Teachers are able to assist students with motivation and goal setting, and students can turn to them for advice and guidance. 

As a parent, it’s important to understand how to develop positive teacher-student relationships so you know what to look for at your child’s school.


  1. True! Positive teacher-student relationships have positive and long-lasting impact, socially and academically, on the student. As we see most of the times, students who are closer to their teacher reach higher level of achievement.

  2. very true ! mutual respect between teacher and students can build a good classroom climate and provide environment to encourage students learning.

  3. Establishing a personal relationship with students is a path that leads to increase of student effort and engagement in learning.



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